

  • 联合国艾滋病专题组-儿童
  • chain2012
  • 2009-05-13 00:00:00

各位同仁: 大家好!
  兹定于2009年5月26日(星期二)下午3-5点在联合国儿童基金会(三里屯路12号, 电话: 010-6532 3131)大会议室召开联合国艾滋病专题组-儿童与艾滋病工作小组会议, 会议内容包括:
1    参会者自我介绍;
2    全球儿童与艾滋病近况--卜一田, 联合国儿童基金会艾滋病处处长;
3    民政部关于进一步加强受艾滋病影响儿童福利保障工作的意见-- 高玉容, 民政部社会事务与社会福利司
4    ' 儿童治疗与关怀项目' --彼德, 无国界医生组织法国部
5    受艾滋病影响的儿童现状及开发社区自助体系-- 杜聪, 智行基金会
6    农村地区和流动青少年人群中的同伴教育项目-- 梅东, 马里斯特普国际组织
7    其他信息分享,包括: 儿童与艾滋病工作组通讯录更新事宜
8    讨论下一会议的内容, 日期
联系人: 赵颀, 张蕾
电话:    010-6532 3131
zhaoqi_905@hotmai.com; lzhang@unicef.org 


Dear all:
Follow up to my e-mail at 27th April, This is to inform you that the UNTG- children and AIDS working group meeting is scheduled to take place on 26th May (Tuesday) from 15:00 to 17:00 at UNICEF ( No. 12 San Li Tun Lu, Tel: 8532 3131) large meeting room. The proposed agenda items include:
1.      Welcome, introductions
2.      Global children and AIDS information update- By Mr. Etienne Poirot, Chief of HIV/AIDS, UNICEF
3.      Children affected by HIV/AIDS policy update- by Ms. Gao Yu Rong, MCA
4.      "Pediatric HIV Care and Treatment" project - by Mr. Peter Saranchuk, MSFF
5.      Current situation of children impacted by AIDS, and developing a community self help support network ? by Mr. Chung To, Chiheng Foundation
6.      Peer education in rural middle schools and migrant children schools- by Mr. Mei Dong ,  MSI
7.      AOB- Upate Children and AIDS working group directory
8.      Discuss topic, date and time for the next meeting
Looking forward to your active participation
Contact: Ms Zhao Qi, Ms Zhang Lei
TEL: 010-6532 3131
zhaoqi_905@hotmail.com; lzhang@unicef.org